
she's not far away
I can see her smiling face
and hear her laughing

Why ?

Why is the middle of the night the ONLY time my brain seems to function like I want it to? During the day it bounces and skitters like a ping pong ball in a wind storm or floats in a strange soft fog. But let the midnight bell toll and things start to come into focus. It is a strange phenomenon I shall attribute to the well known midnight oil theory. That must be what loosens the rusty gears in my head and gets them turning. However, that same oil must be what makes sleep keep slipsliding away.

May # 2

dark waves of sadness
break around me, pull me down
I can taste the salt

May # 1

beyond sleep and dreams
lies an unknown place and time
called eternity

# 23

the edge of reason
is a fascinating place
just don't get too close

# 22

when a petal falls
it floats softly to the ground
does the bee notice ?

# 21

daybreak meets the night
pushing against the darkness
soon a bird will sing

# 20

laughter lights our lives
it brightens the dark corners
helps fade the shadows

# 19

once we were so close
and now that bond seems fragile
all things change with time

# 18

home - not a dwelling
but where your heart finds haven
where your soul finds peace

# 17

consider the sea
heeding the moon's siren call
tides - neverending

# 16

darkness changes things
what was hidden now is clear
a strange reversal

# 15

do not beg entry
to a place you've been denied
just wait at the door

# 14

sleep is elusive
it hides within the chaos
of my weary mind

# 13

miracles occur
don't let them go unnoticed
some are hard to see

# 12

music mends my soul
exorcises the demons
a magic potion

# 11

the candle flickers
the shadows dance in return
the sun is jealous

# 10

try to keep the best
dispose of non essentials
difficult choices

my friend is dying
she is far beyond my grasp
I reach anyway

# 8

just wait - she told me -
one day you'll know what I mean
warm tears acknowledge

# 7

scatter the brain fog
concentrate on what you know
it's in there somewhere

dead center

The dog needs a bath, I need a shower, the bed needs making, but I am stuck, dead center, here at the computer. I tell myself at least my brain is busy. I need to find a way a way to convert brainpower into muscle power. Ah, that is called self discipline and I can't seem to find that key on my keyboard.

The rain is so welcome.
I feel new promise in the air and a reawakening
of discipline and determination in myself.
It is strange that grey skies can bring sunny thoughts.

# 6

soft grey skies and rain,
cozy chair and books to read -
what more could I ask ?

# 5

exhaustion haunts me
appearing as it pleases

# 4

dog - seven AM
damp nose, warm breath on my cheek
but I play opossum

# 3

the dog is sleeping
her head, warm, over my leg
we are both content

more haiku

sisters - always there
dwelling in your heart and soul
when beyond your sight

a new approach

Since my brain won't focus for long enough to post a proper blog,
thought I'd try some haiku. It's short but still a challenge.

my dog licks my hand
and I pet her soft grey ears