# 11

the candle flickers
the shadows dance in return
the sun is jealous

# 10

try to keep the best
dispose of non essentials
difficult choices

my friend is dying
she is far beyond my grasp
I reach anyway

# 8

just wait - she told me -
one day you'll know what I mean
warm tears acknowledge

# 7

scatter the brain fog
concentrate on what you know
it's in there somewhere

dead center

The dog needs a bath, I need a shower, the bed needs making, but I am stuck, dead center, here at the computer. I tell myself at least my brain is busy. I need to find a way a way to convert brainpower into muscle power. Ah, that is called self discipline and I can't seem to find that key on my keyboard.

The rain is so welcome.
I feel new promise in the air and a reawakening
of discipline and determination in myself.
It is strange that grey skies can bring sunny thoughts.

# 6

soft grey skies and rain,
cozy chair and books to read -
what more could I ask ?

# 5

exhaustion haunts me
appearing as it pleases

# 4

dog - seven AM
damp nose, warm breath on my cheek
but I play opossum

# 3

the dog is sleeping
her head, warm, over my leg
we are both content

more haiku

sisters - always there
dwelling in your heart and soul
when beyond your sight

a new approach

Since my brain won't focus for long enough to post a proper blog,
thought I'd try some haiku. It's short but still a challenge.

my dog licks my hand
and I pet her soft grey ears