# 23

the edge of reason
is a fascinating place
just don't get too close

# 22

when a petal falls
it floats softly to the ground
does the bee notice ?

# 21

daybreak meets the night
pushing against the darkness
soon a bird will sing

# 20

laughter lights our lives
it brightens the dark corners
helps fade the shadows

# 19

once we were so close
and now that bond seems fragile
all things change with time

# 18

home - not a dwelling
but where your heart finds haven
where your soul finds peace

# 17

consider the sea
heeding the moon's siren call
tides - neverending

# 16

darkness changes things
what was hidden now is clear
a strange reversal

# 15

do not beg entry
to a place you've been denied
just wait at the door

# 14

sleep is elusive
it hides within the chaos
of my weary mind

# 13

miracles occur
don't let them go unnoticed
some are hard to see

# 12

music mends my soul
exorcises the demons
a magic potion