If I live to be 150 I still won't have time to read all the books in our house. Yet I am drawn like a moth to a flame whenever I pass the book section of a store. And a trip to Borders or Barnes & Noble gets me as excited as a kid in a candy store. Come to think of it, when I was a kid I preferred books to candy. Alright, some were comic books, but the printed word has always had some kind of magic hold on me. That something written on a page can make me feel what others feel or take me to amazing places - some that only exist in the mind of the author - this is what it's all about. A travel book becomes a midnight adventure or a cook book triggers taste buds, no transportation or stove required. True magic I say. And now this new device called a computer adds even another source of words and information. Ah, what's a woman to do. I think the only answer is to start researching the Fountain of Youth on the computer, find a way to buy some time and then get busy reading. And by the way a couple of books in the New York Times reviews sound very interesting. Ah, that way lies temptation.
(And magazines are a whole other issue).

1 comment:

John said...

Hey Mom congratulations on starting a blog! This will be a good outlet for all those creative juices running through your head! Is the place in the picture the property Daddy John had that you talk about? I don't remember seeing the picture before....

I think I inherited the book gene from you. I love spending time in the bookstores or library just perusing, even if I don't take any home. I haven't been reading as much as I used to, but it's still something I look forward to when there's free time. Especially when it's raining out.

Well it's late so I better get to bed. Have fun with your blog! I'll check back often....